On the other hand, Atharvasaṃhitā established conjugal relation between Ṛk and

In second pāda (leg) of the ninth Adhyāya, Jaimini reminds that both the terms, i.e. Sāmno’bhidhānaśabdenapravṛttiḥsyādyathāśiṣṭam (mī. In seventh Adhyāya of Pūrvamīmāṃsā, Jaimini clearly defines that both the general term “Sāma” and the names of Sāmas such as “Rathantaram” mean “gīti” (singing / music) only – Tasmādṛcyadhyārūḍhaṃsāmagīyate (Chāndogyopaniṣat 1.6)īut this definition is given simply following the popularity of the same among Vedic scholars.

Jaimini in his Pūrvamīmāṃsādarśanam defines a Sāma as “a Mantra associated with music” –Ĭhāndogyopaniṣat also says that Sāma is dependent on Ṛk – Even Divyāvadānam, a work on Bauddham enumerates the thousand śākhas.

According to Mahābhāṣyam (Paspaśā), Śrīmadbhāgavatam (12-6-76-79), Caraṇavyūhapariśiṣṭam, Sarvānukramaṇī and Viṣṇupurāṇam, Sāmaveda has one thousand śākhas (branches).